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Become a beacon of light!

Tens of thousands of young people are caught up in criminal activity and violence every year. The recent upsurge in knife crime is both terrifying and heartbreaking. It’s time now for Christians to fight this battle with prayer.


Your church can be a light in the darkness. Pray along with thousands of Christians for the young people in your town or borough. Sign up now and let's cover the map with people praying for Peace on our Streets.


Feel free to explore the map bellow, yellow circles are people praying and pink circles are crimes reported recently in your local area. Touch or hover over the pink circles to find out what has been going on.


We need to cover the whole map of the UK in prayer.


When you sign up your church, we will send you the Peace on Our Streets church pack including Powerpoint slides to use in church, cards to share with your congregation and a copy of Premier Youth and Childrenswork. Simply tick the box if you’d like to receive it!


Thank you for joining in prayer for our young people and communities.

Police Scotland do not make their crime data openly available. To see crime in your area visit


He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation nor will they train for war anymore.

Isaiah 2: 4

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